Prayers For The Planet

Earth Prayer

The earth is yours and mine
And the glorious sky.
As you made me
So you made the starling
And the owl
The glorious oak and elm.
In weaving your wisdom
You formed the sea
And her melodious song
Harmonising with the whale and the bird
You are in me
And above me
You are below me and beside me.
You created worlds within worlds
Gifts beyond understanding
Beauty beyond measure
Captured in a sphere of perfect blue.
And so we bow to you…
Call upon angels and spirits,
In the leaves and born on the air
Implore you
With power
And glory
To give us strength
That we may share.
In worship and wisdom this day.
Let’s join in mind, and spirit
In prayer and love to bring healing
To this most wonderful of worlds –
For when this world suffers, we suffer.
For we are all as one.

Tree Blessing

Branches held wide
In tender openness
The embrace of an angel

Amidst the branches
Perching and nesting
Caring recollections
Our highest wishes
Memories of sky, rain, day and night

The tree knows our ancient roots
Of the season of darkness
Of Christmases long ago
When winter lights were stars
Fire-light, candles and lamps

Now it speaks again
Recalling the beginning and end
The moment of closure
But never the finale

It reminds us
Of the cycle of time
The moment of rushing wind
Swirling seas of leaves
Whispering: death is an illusion

It takes us back
To the eternal circle
Rings and whorls of life
Ceremony and celebration
Seasonal festivities
Of joy and possibility
A never-ending song
Exquisite nature

Prayer for A Grey Day

Bless this grey day;
The sky is overcast
But behind the cloud
Is sun and blue sky

Bless the gloom and dreariness
That we see and feel
In this most physical world

Touch the darkness:
See the wall of cloud
Hear the pattering rain

It’s dull, threatening,
Shadowy in one place
Radiant, gentle and hidden in the other,
But we’ve been shut out

Then, when least expected –
The sun breaks through
And shines on us all
Bringing untold joy –
Light, love and laughter

Bless the gloom
For the sun that follows